I've been a little lazy with the blog this summer, so here are a bunch of things from the last month or so. Got to spend some time in NH at a cabin/house we have been lucky to stay in for the past few years. Got to spend some time with family that I don't get to see but once a year. I feel like I crammed a weeks worth of swimming and eating into 6 days. My camera spent much of the week tucked in it's case, but here are a few photos.

Below is a photo from a shoot for a medical insurance company.

This is from a Law Magazine that is yet to go to print.
Here is a photo of Tim who was helping me on a shoot for the same Medical Insurance co. (Good luck in California Tim.)

I also got to meet with some friends to go for a ride in Western MA and VT for a couple days. I have been spending so much time with tiny old motorcycles the past few years that this recent to me 87 Cagiva Alazzurra 650 feels pretty big and modern. (Note the classy blue tarp. It's not going to win any beauty contests, but I had a pretty big smile in my helmet.) Here I am at the Quabbin Res.