Friday, September 23, 2011

Boston Home Magazine Fall issue

I had the pleasure of photographing John Matouk & Co in Fall River, MA for Boston Home magazine a few weeks back. Matouk is a family run business dating back to the 1920's. It was a rare occation in that most of the time as a photographer I feel like I show up somewhere and try to find a place that looks good to take a photo.This place was full of interesting people, and filled with equipment from automated embroidery machines to 100 year old Singer sewing machines, it was visual overload really.  Zach helped me out a lot on the shoot and we had a great time. Below is the article as it ran and some outtakes I liked. Read article here!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pile O' Promos

Got a bunch of promos headed out today. Check your mailboxes.